I started IVF at the age of 35. Life didn’t work out as you would like and our journey to becoming parents started later in life. Our IVF cycle wasn’t simple. I had an ovarian cyst, OHSS, a freeze all cycle, then a global pandemic and deaths in the family. IVF is hard. It’s a tough long road but we kept going.
Our second FET was a success and we were blessed with a pregnancy.Those two pink lines was the happiest and most scared l’ve ever been. My pregnancy was uneventful and then I had an eventful birth. I am now an IVF and C-section mama to the beautiful 9 lb 7 oz of love that is Harrison. Our amazing son.
We got the happy ending we had been trying so hard for. My heart goes out for everyone on their own journey.
Whilst I was on maternity leave I created my own range of IF and infertility gifts. Give me a Follow as I love supporting others on their journeys!”